Lobby entrance: 24/7
Patient and visitor check-in
All patients must check in at the Main Lobby, Bldg. 16, or Bldg. 590. For your safety and to reduce waiting room congestion, please arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment. At this time we are allowing one visitor per Veteran. We appreciate your patience at this challenging time. Please no persons under the age of 18.
Coronavirus update
Everyone entering our facilities is screened and face masks are mandatory. For some needs, you may be able to get care at home by phone or video. Coronavirus vaccines information.
Visiting hours and policies
COVID-19 has forced us to change our inpatient visiting policy for now. At this time, we are allowing one visitor per Veteran from 8am – 8pm. Thank you for patience. We are doing our very best to keep our staff and our Veterans safe. We encourage video visits whenever possible. No persons under the age of 18 permitted.
Due to safety precautions, no children are allowed on site. There are no child-care services in the medical center or at any community clinic.
Inpatient psychiatry
The inpatient psychiatry unit (3A) has unique needs which have necessitated the establishment of encouraged visiting hours from 6-8 p.m. to support the therapeutic structure and environment of the unit. The Substance Abuse treatment unit also has unique program therapies which allow for visitation on Friday evening and Saturday and Sunday. Visitation at alternative times may be arranged with the treatment team if it meets the health care needs of the veteran and the milieu of the unit.
Patients may be visited at the bedside, the unit lounge, the lobby of any patient care building, the Canteen and outside on the grounds.
Flowers for patients are welcome, except in intensive care and oncology units. Gift balloons are also welcome, provided they are mylar. Latex balloons, which can cause allergic reactions, are not permitted anywhere in the hospital.
Patient privacy
To respect and ensure patient privacy and confidentiality, visitors may be asked to leave the room during a treatment or during a discussion with the staff.
Infection control
Visitors who may be ill should wait until their health is better before visiting friends or family at the medical center.
Billing Issues
We offer assistance with billing issues (Care in the Community and TriWest).
Pets are not allowed in the medical center. Service dogs and animals associated with formal programs sponsoring animal assisted therapy or activities are allowed. The animal must be kept on a short leash. Proof of rabies vaccination is required for the animal. In special patient circumstances the facility director or his or her designee may grant special permission for a personal pet to visit a hospitalized patient. The staff will give guidance as to appropriate locations for the animal to visit.